patchwork a quilt z Uherského Hradiště
Jitko, ta se Ti tůůůůůůůůůůůůze povedla. M.
Very effective- it looked like you had done half square triangles when in fact you have done squares on point. well done
beautiful! love the scrapiness.
I love your colour scheme! amazing how wonderful the browns all look, L
Děkuji všem za zpětnou vazbu.I´m happy to hear from you.
Jitko, ta se Ti tůůůůůůůůůůůůze povedla. M.
OdpovědětVymazatVery effective- it looked like you had done half square triangles when in fact you have done squares on point. well done
OdpovědětVymazatbeautiful! love the scrapiness.
OdpovědětVymazatI love your colour scheme! amazing how wonderful the browns all look, L