Na spodu hromádky je FQ z výstavy a kousek z blešáku z Mnichova, co mi dovezla máma.
Nic nového momentálně nešiji, stále ručně prošívám dlaždice. Vzor prošívání má jistě svůj originální název, já jsem Vám jej nakreslila na dědovu kresbu ducha, brzy bude Heloween, tak alespoň trochu strašidel. Na dalších dvou fotkách jsem zkoušela detail přímo na dece, ale nějak mi ty fotky nejdou. Prošívám perlovkou, dnes mám růžovou melírovanou a stehy mám tak 5 mm dlouhé, prostě kratší neumím. kolem bordury mám prošito na stroji a ještě mi chybí prošít bordura.
20.10.2011: Takže již vím, že vzor prošití se jmenuje vějř (po americku) a mořské vlny (po japonsku) a v Americe je hojně používaný. Děkuji Julii i Peggy.
Last week I went to Prag to se some shop to find some crazy colour fabric. My choice you see at my first picture.
I´m stil hand quilting my Tiles. Quilting will be naerly finished.
Do you someone know the name of quilting pattern I use?
Hello: I am a quilter from Minnesota who just spent 17 days in the Czech Republic. I was so excited to find your blog. We covered 1500 miles in the country and we danced in a hall in Prague.
OdpovědětVymazatThe quilting pattern you are using is called "fans". Your quilts are amazing. Do you think we could correspond over email?
Peggy Kotek
Hi Peggy, I´m glad to read you note, leave me you e-mail or write me to
OdpovědětVymazatAhoj! I'm so excited to connect with you. Do you Skype? My Skype name is peggy.kotek Madison Lake, Minnesota. I have been quilting for over 25 years and I love to hand quilt and applique, although I do machine quilt so I can finish more. We found quilt/fabric shops in Pobrady and Jindrichohradeckem. Where are you located in the Czech Republic? My husband's ancestors were from Kolence and Trebon and we visited those towns. You have a beautiful country and I love it! Is there an English translation of your name?
OdpovědětVymazatI have tried to email you, but comes back. My email is
Hezky den!
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I was happy for your visit because my Great Grandparents and Grandparents came from, what was then, the Bohemia- Moravia border and settled in Minnesota. One year we visited that area and followed my Great Grandfather's journey to America.
OdpovědětVymazatMy English quilting books call that pattern a fan but the Japanese call it "sea wave". It is the most common pattern used in Native American (Indian)quilts.