S hrůzou jsem zjistila, že se blíží narozeniny nejmladší dcery a já jsem naslibovala modré z nebe. Takže jsem během týdne ušila 20 bloků - jablíček a dva kosy. manžel prohlásil, že vypadají jako hodně avantgardní střecha.
I realize my daughter birthday is comming soon and I should make a quilt for her - I promised it. I made few apple block some time ago. This week I finished 20 apple blocks and two black bird blocks to make a quilt. My hubby see a moderne roof in these black birds.
I watch in my archive to find first blocks. They was done in the end of march.
I watch in my archive to find first blocks. They was done in the end of march.
I remember seeing the first one!